3 of the Easiest Exercises for Beginners
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If you’ve never exercised before, then it can be hard to know where to start. Maybe you think you need fancy equipment to get involved. However, this isn’t the case. You can absolutely start running today. Okay, maybe you can’t go surfing or rock climbing if you don’t live near the sea or a cliff face but you can do something else. To help you get fit, here are three exercises anyone can do right now.
1 - Running
Running is perhaps the simplest and oldest form of exercise. As long as your legs work, you can do it. You don’t even need the latest running shoes. Just start slowly and carefully. Go for a run today and see how much better you feel. If you’re looking for running trails, then you can find them by visiting Run Trails.
2 - Swimming
Where’s the nearest place you can swim? If you live near a public lake or by a beach, then you’re in luck. If not, then you’re bound to have a swimming pool nearby or perhaps a river you can swim in. Swimming is so much fun that it hardly feels like exercise at all. That’s why it’s perfect for complete beginners.
3 - Push-Ups
If you’re looking to build muscle but don’t have any weights to lift, then try push. They’re one of the easiest exercises, requiring little practice. It’ll be hard at first but you’ll improve with practice.