3 Ways to Radically and Naturally Boost Wellbeing
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At Kegglers, we believe in holistic medicine. With a whole-body approach, we believe that health consists of wellness of the mind, body and soul. We take into consideration the combination of traditional, complementary, and alternative medicine that has been around for hundreds if not thousands of years along with modern medicine when choosing our products.
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If you’re looking for ways to turbocharge your wellbeing, then you may have to take radical steps. That means changing your daily habits and potentially leaving your comfort zone. Of course, all lifestyle changes must be done with caution. The three suggestions on this list are natural ways that many people have found increased happiness. Try them for yourself and see if they work.
1 - Use Health-Boosting Sex Toys
Orgasms do nothing but increase your happiness and lower stress. To help you achieve more from your sexual activities, consider using Ben Wa balls. These are made to have healing properties and may contribute to a healthier body.
2 - Swap Your Car for Some Hiking Boots
Studies suggest that people who drive feel more stressed and get less exercise. Walking, meanwhile, is incredibly good for your health. Consider selling your car and buying some hiking boots if you’re serious about boosting your wellbeing.
3 - Escape to a Mountainside Meditation Retreat
Meditation is also amazing for wellbeing but it’s hard to do from home. Escape to a proper retreat in the mountains to get the most out of your mindfulness practice.
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