Dealing with erectile dysfunction in a relationship
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Published: 2020/01/17 - Updated: 2020/01/20
Total: 728 words
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Erectile dysfunction can be a serious threat to the relations if not unchecked or left untreated. It is a serious issue in the life of young couples and newly married couples. However, with proper understanding, admission and taking small steps can reverse any damage that it can cause.
Erectile dysfunction is the problem of males where they are not able to get the hard erection. It starts with slow erection and leads to the loss of erection in the mid of the sexual activity.
Erectile dysfunction can impact relation if left untreated
The problem is very simple and common among men. It often starts with some tension, anxiety, performance anxiety or stress in personal or business matters. The first step of preventing any damage to the relations is admission of the erectile dysfunction.
It is not something a man will admit easily. But a woman who has self- esteem can help the man easily. It is right that there are many treatments available in the market, but understanding with the partner is very necessary to cure the issue permanently. Taking Viagra 200mg before the sexual activity will cure the erectile dysfunction for the next 4-5 hours. But the fear that one has the problem does more harm than the actual problem.
A woman has to understand that it can be due to several reasons, not because of her. Some ladies tend to believe that it is because she is no longer attractive to the husband or the partner. The man should also have to be careful to avoid blaming the lady for the erectile issue. It damages the chances of recovery considerably.
Simple steps to reverse the problem
Admit that you are suffering with the problem. This will encourage your partner or wife to support you. It will reassure her that she is not responsible for the problem. Both of you can approach the medical and non medical options to cure the problem permanently. The half of the burden on a man is off when a partner supports him. The medical consultations help the man to understand the reasons behind the erectile dysfunction.
The medical causes are treated through medical intervention. The non- medical causes, such as psychological issues, emotional issues or lack of sexual confidence issues are treated by counseling sessions. These sessions can be individually or with the partner. These sessions deal with non medical causes of the erectile dysfunction cases.
The basic idea behind these sessions is to change the behavior of the client towards the experience he is going through. This is part of the cognitive behavior therapy that is the basis of the counseling sessions. The therapy is very effective to treat all emotional, mental and psychological causes behind erectile dysfunction. The sessions with partner encourage the bond between partners and help them to support each other in the period of stress.
Along with the treatment methods for the erectile dysfunction, one can use erectile dysfunction drugs like Cialis 40 mg for erection to maintain the intimacy. The crucial thing in the erection dysfunction is not loss the intimacy with the partner.
Try to maintain the intimacy level, by indulging in non penetrative sex whenever possible. The gap should not come between the couples due to erectile dysfunction.
Physical contact and intimacy will eventually cure erectile dysfunction if it is primarily due to psychological reasons. In some cases, it has been seen that the communication level has kept the intimacy level intact between couples even after the erectile dysfunction.
So maintain the communication level, and keeping talking with the partner about erectile dysfunction. A man who fears that physical contact will worsen the conditions, as he may not be able to complete the sexual activity. In fact this will further complicate the erectile issue.
The best is to maintain the physical contact and keeps the flame burning with regular touching and kissing. Never let the gap emerge between you and your partner.
While passing through all these issues, it is suggested that one can use the Levitra 40 mg to make the love with complete satisfaction. The stronger dose will overcome any level of the erectile issue and the power to get the erection will remain for 5 hours. The use of erectile dysfunction drug will keep the flame alive till the permanent cure.
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