Gas and Water Flow Meter Module for Industrial purpose

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IDT flow meter modules measure both gases and liquids. This flow measurement device can face pollution and clog. This protection is because the flow meter does not have any gap or any coat.
This fluids measurement device is protected by silicon carbide from the channel. This flow meter type is popular in industries such as;

· Medical
· Industrial process
· Food industries
· Automotive markets

You can find flow meter modules in either direct measurement or bypass flow measurement. They are also able to maintain shock.

Advantages of IDT Flow Meter Modules

These flow meter types do not have moving parts. They are hence preventing clogging of the sensor. They are also shock resistant and protect the chemicals from destroying the flow meter.
IDT flow sensor modules are flexible, and you can rely on them. They are used to measure a lot of fluids and gases. The devices are good for dosing and oxygen metering. You can use this precise flow meter to monitor the flow of water or drinks in business use.
IDT flow meter type line of performance measures the flow of gas or liquids. Its design enables it to remove gaps and diaphragms. They also have a protective silicon carbide making them suitable for food-grade applications.

They are well-calibrated, making them very accurate and reliable.

Advanced Flow Meter Technology

IDT flow sensors measure the flow of liquids. Liquids over a sensing surface using the thermal transfer principle. The flow sensor makes use of a series of MEMS thermal couples, giving the best signal.
This series of MEMS with silicon carbide gives the best resistance and is reliable.

Microthermal Gas Meter Module

This gas meter module enables reliable monitoring of gas flow rates. These gas meters have the best long-lasting stability rate of 1.5. They are easy to install in any industry without using any moving parts.
These meters do not produce any noise during operation. They are, therefore, the right choice for both high volume private or manufacturing smart gas metering use.

The Measurement Principle of Microthermal

These gas meter modules have a MEMS-based calorimetric microsensor. This sensor has a heater and both upstream.
When the gas flow is above the covering, heat is transferred to the downstream temperature sensor. This sensor will create a signal due to the temperature difference. The microthermal gas meter module has some signal control electronics.

Advantages of Microthermal Flow Meter Module

· They measure the flow of natural gases
· They are accurate
· They do not produce unnecessary noise
· They do not apply a lot of power
· They are also widely used.
· They are cost-effective as well
· You can install them easily in the field


Flowmeter modules are essential in water flow measurement. Many flow manufacturing industries use these flowmeters. They are accurate and reliable flowmeters. These flow sensors are also easy to install. Flow sensors are prone to wear and tear. They are also used to detect leaks.

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Published: 2020/12/18 - Updated: 2021/01/18
Total: 480 words


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