How to Save Skype Chats as Text?

Frustrated Aquamarine Termite
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Skype is a widely used communication tool for personal and professional conversations. Over time, important messages and details may get lost due to storage limitations, accidental deletions, or device changes. Saving Skype chats as text allows users to archive important conversations, retrieve information easily, and maintain a backup for future reference.

In this guide, we will explore different methods to save Skype chats as text, including manual copy-pasting, using Skype’s built-in export feature, and third-party tools. Whether you need to store business discussions, personal messages, or legal records, these methods will help you preserve your Skype chat history efficiently.

Understanding Skype Chat Storage

Skype stores chat history both locally on your device and in the cloud for a limited period. The way your conversations are saved depends on the platform and settings:

  • Cloud Storage: Skype retains recent chat history on Microsoft’s servers, allowing access from any device. Older messages may not be available if not backed up.
  • Local Storage: On desktop versions, Skype may store chat history in a database file on your system, but it's not easily accessible for direct reading.
  • Export Feature: Microsoft provides an option to export and download your Skype chat history, but it is not in a simple text format by default.

Understanding how Skype manages chat storage helps users decide the best method for saving and backing up conversations in readable text format.

Methods to Save Skype Chats as Text

There are multiple ways to save Skype conversations as text. Below are the most effective methods:

1. Manual Copy-Paste Method

  1. Open Skype and navigate to the chat you want to save.
  2. Select the messages by highlighting them.
  3. Copy (Ctrl + C / Cmd + C) and paste (Ctrl + V / Cmd + V) the text into a document (Notepad, Word, or any text editor).
  4. Save the file with a suitable name for future reference.

2. Using Skype’s Export Feature

  1. Go to Microsoft’s Skype Export Page.
  2. Sign in with your Skype account.
  3. Request an export of your chat history.
  4. Download the file once the export is ready (usually in a JSON format).

How to Save Skype Chats as Text using Automated Software?

If you want to export Skype Chat as Text file then we suggest you to opt BitRecover Skype Chat Viewer as it allows to directly export Skype Chat History into Text file by following the process as we have explained below:

  1. First, download and open automated software on your computer.
  2. Browse JSON file as you have exported from Skype.
  3. Choose Text file in the list of export options.
  4. Click on save all to browse location.
  5. Hit on Save button export Skype Chat as Text.

Benefits of Automated Software

  • It allows you to preview both JSON or DB files without facing any limitations.
  • This software specially creates a simple initiative interface to easily perform by any individuals and professional users.
  • You can also Export Skype Chat History to multiple formats such as PDF, PST, TEXT and many more.
  • With this software, you can also save all Skype Chat in a single process.
  • It allows you to preview all Skype chats without facing any restrictions.

Time to Say GoodBye

In this write-up, we have described one of the best methods to Save Skype Chat as a Text file by manually and using automated software. As manual approaches are only reliable to export in JSON file after this you need automated software to preview and export into Text file as there is no official method available to export into Text file. 

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