Online abuse and Harassment of Author Karoor Soman(കാരൂർ സോമൻ)- Part 2

Idealistic Copper Mouse
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From our previous episode, we gathered some momentum into the story of cyberbullying and harassment of author, Karoor Soman(കാരൂർ സോമൻ) by 300+ online trolls/bullies. The cyberbullies or online abusers had found some details of direct copying that were directly in their blogs. Jackpot time! Money, Money, Money time, Mr Karoor Soman(കാരൂർ സോമൻ). Dollar Time, Mr Karoor Soman(കാരൂർ സോമൻ).

It would not take much of a guess to assume that they would have blackmailed Karoor Soman(കാരൂർ സോമൻ) for millions or 100s of thousands of dollars. It would be very interesting, if legal cases have been brought on by these “moral, upright, honest” online trolls that contain the financial compensation to be $1. After all, they are so truthful, so nice, absolute angels who are pure and sinless dedicated to the betterment of everything around them, below and above.

Story goes on from there where a blackmailing attempt was done against Karoor Soman(കാരൂർ സോമൻ) on various sides by the cyberbullies. When that didn’t work, obviously, legal time, Mr Karoor Soman(കാരൂർ സോമൻ). The online lying trolls will do anything to get the money, no matter what. They vowed to stop Karoor Soman(കാരൂർ സോമൻ) from writing every again. Oh my! What a threat from these nice cyberbullies. What will they do? Is it going to be physical threats? Is it going to be character assassination of Karoor Soman(കാരൂർ സോമൻ), both, online and offline by piling on harassment? How will they stop something as basic as making sure someone will be forced to stop writing? Such threats are dangerous and come what may, one should stand by the victim here, Karoor Soman(കാരൂർ സോമൻ).

To be continued…

Karoor Soman




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Article info

Published: 2019/04/18 - Updated: 2020/05/28
Total: 277 words

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