Online abuse and Harassment of Author Karoor Soman(കാരൂർ സോമൻ)- Part 6

Idealistic Copper Mouse
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From our previous episode, we gathered more momentum into the story of cyberbullying and harassment of author, Karoor Soman(കാരൂർ സോമൻ) by 300+ cyberbullies. We raised multiple questions.

Around 2-4 non-fiction books that was written by Karoor Soman(കാരൂർ സോമൻ) in recent years have been the suspect of intense cyberbully liars findings. These are only for his non-fiction books. It is interesting the more creative fiction part was left without evidence of copying by the so called cyberbullies even though they claimed this to be the case.

This is the “one bad, all bad” syndrome. It raised a lot of questions, if as the cyberbully liars claim that all of the author, Karoor Soman(കാരൂർ സോമൻ)’s books are copied directly, then where is the evidence for it? The jigsaw is starting to make sense. It looks like the allegations are all based on some of Karoor Soman(കാരൂർ സോമൻ)’s non-fiction informative books.

I wanted to dig further. There had to be a way of getting information other than from our angels of light, the malicious cyberbullies. I found the official website of Karoor Soman(കാരൂർ സോമൻ), which was hard to find. Made a few discoveries with research. 

Karoor Soman
കാരൂര്‍ സോമന്‍

To be continued…

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Article info

Published: 2019/04/18 - Updated: 2020/05/28
Total: 199 words

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