Online abuse and Harassment of Author Karoor Soman(കാരൂർ സോമൻ)- Part 7

Idealistic Copper Mouse
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From our previous episode, we gathered more momentum into the story of cyberbullying and harassment of author, Karoor Soman(കാരൂർ സോമൻ) by 300+ cyberbullies.

Out of 45+books, less than 22% are nonfiction books in Karoor Soman(കാരൂർ സോമൻ)’s repertoire. Out of which the cyberbully liar’s allegations are based on less than approx. 6% of his work. Let’s be gracious to the cyberbullies and give them a 10% figure to keep them salivating.

Let’s now ponder on these numbers; Remember- the cyberbully liars aka angels of light are claiming ALL of Karoor Soman(കാരൂർ സോമൻ)’s books are copied and are not his own work. Yet their own allegations does not even make up 10% of Karoor Soman(കാരൂർ സോമൻ)’s work. Again, this is based on- if allegations are true. Have a think about that!

Now isn’t that surprising! The claims that these cyberbully liars state themselves are lies, fake news and wholly manufactured to debunk and insult the author, Karoor Soman(കാരൂർ സോമൻ). I wonder if we couldn’t have just made this conclusion earlier on. And they want to stop the author Karoor Soman(കാരൂർ സോമൻ) from writing.

I am sorry, cyberbullies who want to stop author, Karoor Soman(കാരൂർ സോമൻ) from writing- that your lives have no meaning and is miserable despite your hard work to fill it with all sorts of events. This has led you to having to bring others down. The cyberbullies as shown above, despite their findings have made their approach to dealing with it in a coordinated cyberbullying orchestrated harassment hate campaign against the author, Karoor Soman(കാരൂർ സോമൻ).

You are lucky, dear moral cyberbullies, for now, you are safe under the belts of Facebook - promoter of fake news, group abuse and harassment.  Somewhere, someone said- “Cyberbullies are cowardly grubs. Treat them as such.” I would like to reiterate that with the term “viral nasties”. 

Karoor Soman
കാരൂര്‍ സോമന്‍

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Article info

Published: 2019/04/18 - Updated: 2020/05/28
Total: 306 words

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