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WriterShelf is a privacy-oriented writing platform. Unleash the power of your voice. It's free!
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The Voice of WriterShelf
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WriterShelf is a writer's platform that lets you share your ideas using pen names. It's also a reader’s destination where you can discover the work of others and engage in authentic conversations.

The Value of Pen Names

Pen names give you the freedom to be yourself and say things you otherwise might not be able to say. They serve as a valuable form of privacy.  Pen names are as old as publishing itself.

In WriterShelf, your pen names are not connected to your true identity so your writings are unique. They stand alone for what they are, not who they were written by.  Your pen names are also distinct from your other online personae.  Over time the identities we use on social media come to define us. WriterShelf gives you the chance to express yourself wholly apart from however you may be seen elsewhere on the net.

The Importance of Privacy

Privacy is at the root of freedom.  We all care about our ability to communicate and associate without being judged based on private activities. WriterShelf brings the privacy of pen names to blogging and social media.

Privacy isn’t about something to hide.  It’s about something to protect.  WriterShelf makes it easier for you to be yourself when sharing online.

Should I use my Real Name?

When it comes to certain topics - the law, money, health or personal advice - people appreciate the opinions of experts.  But they may not want to reveal too much about themselves as they seek help and guidance.

WriterShelf is well suited for experts in these kinds of fields to share their knowledge and interact with communities to develop the reach of their services.  People are more likely ask questions, inquire and to take the first step if they know they can do so safely.

WriterShelf is about Authentic Conversations

Unfortunately, the internet is full of trolls.  WriterShelf offers the antidote of sunshine to keep conversations authentic and meaningful.  First, you’ll find Transparent Feedback.  Click on any pen name and you can see a full palette of what that pen name has contributed as well as the feedback - positive and negative - the pen name has received.  If an author finds a comment abusive, the commenter is easily banned.  If you find an article or comment offensive, it’s easy to flag those too.

Second, a simple One Pen Name Per Conversation system ensures that all articles and comments come from authentic voices.  You don’t need to worry about fake comments coming from the original poster to create disingenuous echo chambers.

Welcome to WriterShelf.

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WriterShelf™ is a unique multiple pen name blogging and forum platform. Protect relationships and your privacy. Take your writing in new directions. ** Join WriterShelf**
WriterShelf™ is an open writing platform. The views, information and opinions in this article are those of the author.

Article info

Published: 2017/04/15 - Updated: 2020/05/28
Total: 433 words

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About the Author

WriterShelf is a privacy-oriented platform that lets you write using pen names.
Everyone has a story to tell. WriterShelf gives you the freedom to be yourself.

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WriterShelf is a privacy-oriented writing platform. Unleash the power of your voice. It's free!
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