Advantages of Not Going to College

Digital Rebel LLC
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Graduating from college is not the be-all and end-all of success as many people paint it to be. It sure can be a stepping-stone for greater things, but it surely isn’t the only path to get there. Here’s why you might be better off not attending college.

You Get Your Savings on Track

College takes away at least four years’ worth of paid work from your life, essentially putting your savings on hold. While people might argue that college paves the way for a bigger salary, that’s not always the case. In fact, college doesn’t even guarantee you a job afterward. If you just want to start making money right away and save up for your future, you might as well start it now.


You Won’t Have to Worry About Debts Right After College

If you can’t afford to go to college without incurring debt, you might as well not go at all. College graduates rarely get the income they thought they would after school, and if you only meet the minimum payments on your student loans, you’ll be dragging the loan forever. It will probably take a second job to pay off the loan faster. This is not what you’d want to sign up for.


You Skip the School Stress and Drama

College is not all fun and games like you see in the movies. It is a place where students are subjected to prolonged periods of stress and peer drama. You have a better chance at connecting with mature individuals who share your passion and interests and who will add value to your life outside campus.

You Learn a Valuable Trade

By skipping college, you don’t waste valuable time getting a passing score for subjects that is not relevant to your dream career. You want to go out there, find a mentor, and learn a real skill that people pay for. Outside college, you get to do the actual work and not waste your time and energy with those unpaid internships just for the same of formality.

Check out to get into a high-paying career and learn those valuable life skills that college won’t teach you.





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Article info

Published: 2020/11/18 - Updated: 2020/11/20
Total: 359 words

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About the Author

I teach people how to skip college and get jobs in digital marketing with no previous experience or education.

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