Hairline Surgery Method for Fast Re-grow

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Are your round hairline way up to your scalp, and you want to make it less come down a bit? The best procedure to help you with that is called hairline lowering surgery. We are all self-conscious of how we look physically; that's why we look in the mirror every before dashing off to work. If there is one physical aspect that you don't like, you will try as much as possible to change or camouflage it. There isn't much you can do to reduce it since it is impossible medically for the large forehead. The only way to reduce its protrusion is to use a surgical method called hairline lowering. Many factors bring about a rounded hairline that causes the forehead to look a bit bigger. Some of them include hair loss, cosmetic procedures, or genetics. The method also helps keep your head proportional, and it's not the same as a brow lift. Let's learn more about hairline surgery and its benefits. 

What Does Hairline Lowering Surgery Entail 

  • Also called forehead reduction surgery, hairline lowering involves a minor surgery that is done under anesthesia. Anesthetics are applied to reduce pain and bleeding during the procedure. The surgeon performs a hairline lowering surgery will undertake the following steps in this procedure:
  • Using a surgical skin marker, he or she will mark the area on the forehead where it is supposed to be removed. While doing this, caution is taken to prevent cutting the nerves and hair follicles. 
  • Before incisions are made, the whole area from the upper brow to the hairline is numbed using a local anesthetic. 
  • The next thing that the surgeon does is make an incision following the marked area of the hairline and forehead. This type of incision is called petechial. The connective tissue and the skin will be separated carefully by the surgeon. 
  • The surgeon will then pull down the top incision along the hairline to join the forehead incision. Doing this will close the gap and reduce the forehead. 
  • Scar formation is minimized by suturing the skin together. Once the hair starts to grow, it will hide the scar. 
  • This procedure will not raise the eyebrows even though it will change the eyebrows' appearance when the height of the forehead is reduced. 
  • If the eyebrows' appearance is affected, a separate surgery will be done called a brow lift.


Within a few hours, the surgery will be over, and the patient can go home awaiting recovery and healing. Once a week and a half are over, the patient will have to return to the clinic so that the surgeon may remove the suture. You will also have to return to the clinic for post-operative checkups. Since surgery was conducted, the patient has to take care of the wound to get infected.


A hairline lowering surgery, which is also called forehead reduction surgery, is usually meant to shorten the length of the forehead's size from the hairline. You are eligible for this kind of surgery if you feel that your forehead is large and have flexible forehead skin. 

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Article info

Published: 2020/12/08 - Updated: 2020/12/11
Total: 513 words

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