HBO Chernobyl: MAGA on Fire

Art Mickey
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After the sequel-bait disaster that was the final season of Game of Thrones, the HBO mini-series Chernobyl is a 5-episode tour de force that reminds us of some things that we may have forgotten. Or never learned in the first place.

Chernobyl is not this.

The Beatles - Back In The U.S.S.R. (2018 Mix / Lyric Video) TheBeatlesVEVO — YouTube

It's not even this.

🎥 THE DEATH OF STALIN (2017) | Full Movie Trailer in Full HD | 1080p TRAILER CITY — YouTube

Chernobyl is Orwell's 1984 come to life and a serious reminder of what happens when politics comes before truth.

Chernobyl (2019) | Official Trailer | HBO HBO — YouTube

The lesson is stark. We owe it to ourselves to return to reality. Now is the time, before we MAGA ourselves into a worse disaster.

The Chernobyl president - The Boston Globe — It’s not just Trump’s ability to explode and contaminate everything in his vicinity. It’s the mendacity that fills his lungs.

Fortunately, there are people who insist on telling the truth. After you watch the show, go through this imgur post. Over 100 images and a wealth of information.

The Chernobyl Story [Updated & Expanded] — I've assembled this collection of images surrounding the Chernobyl nuclear disaster to help people gain a better understanding of what happened. It is a very brief, but complete(ish) retelling of what happened, using edited text from a book I've written called "Chernobyl 01:23:40". The book can be bought from Amazon, if anyone's interested. Imgur

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Published: 2019/06/09 - Updated: 2020/05/28
Total: 255 words

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Sometimes you feel like a duck. Sometimes you don't.

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