How to start earning from your passion to create texts?
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Published: 2021/08/25 - Updated: 2021/08/25
Total: 634 words
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Today, text surrounds us everywhere – on TV and computer screens, on the street and at work, in art and reference books. Text is the main carrier of information, and there are countless ways to make money on it. Below there are the most trendy and interesting ways in our opinion.
Blog writing
The most “accessible” and obvious area for a writer today and a way to get your readers. Blogging topics are numerous and varied, and even with a little knowledge of a particular area, you can become a successful blogger, being able to present material and advertise yourself. The subject can be your hobby, passion, philosophical and political views, relationships, parenting, fashion industry, and much more.
To create a blog, the Internet provides many platforms with their own specific features and unique capabilities. There are plenty of social networks and platforms created specifically for bloggers. The most popular among beginners is the famous WordPress.
All that remains is to choose a platform that seems optimal to you in terms of presentation, ease of use and monetization opportunities. Remember, starting a blog is the very first step. In order for writing thematic posts to be profitable for you, you need to work hard, communicate with your audience and, of course, write engaging and useful notes that will become attractive to your readers and create a permanent audience for you. Only 10% of bloggers achieve their goal of making money writing texts.
The most popular today are bloggers in social networks, who become famous media personalities, besides earning from blogging – they sign contracts with large advertising companies, create their own brands, become professionals and authoritative experts in their field.
Content management
Content manager is a specialist engaged in the study, search, writing and editing of materials that will be published on a website, in social media or on an information resource. In addition to the selection of textual information, they can also be engaged in the creation or search of illustrations and photographs. There are plenty of industries where the profession is in demand. These are internet marketing, e-education, web portals, etc.
The salary of a content manager depends on the volume of work and the form of remuneration. However, you can run several sites at once and then the level of your income will be proportional to the amount of your time spent and your ability to write many texts at the same time.
Copywriter – an author of texts for the purpose of advertising or other forms of marketing. Such texts should sell the goods and services of clients, so decent copywriters who can create really effective advertising texts are highly valued in advertising agencies. Nowadays, however, numerous exchanges of copywriters and freelancers are popular, where anyone can pick up an interesting order and, having completed it, get paid without leaving their house.
Book writing
Writing a book requires, in addition to professional skills and knowledge, a certain talent and being a true master of storytelling. If you see that you are promising in this area and are ready to work hard, then you can start with publishing on many platforms where you can put your works on public display for constructive criticism or recognition. For example, this is on the resource that you are now using to read this article.
To start making money from writing, you need to work hard and be patient, despite being a talented person. At first, the work will take a lot of energy, bringing a small income. You must be always sure that your success is inevitable. The other advice said by Stephen King is, “Writing is a lonely job. Having someone who believes in you makes a lot of difference. They don't have to makes speeches. Just believing is usually enough.”