Online abuse and Harassment of Author Karoor Soman(കാരൂർ സോമൻ)- Part 4

Idealistic Copper Mouse
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From our previous episodes, we were reasoning why cyberbullying and harassment target and do what they do, in this case to victim named Karoor Soman(കാരൂർ സോമൻ), an author.

Attention seeking cyberbullies are no new invention and have been from the start of mankind in multiple forms. But from research, I found out that Karoor Soman(കാരൂർ സോമൻ) is not that great at technology and computing. It is clear that he is from a generation of people who can use technology to the basic amount but is unaware of a lot of it, especially from the social media side of the process. The cyberbullies aka online abusers on the other hand are generally good with such practices and have also mastered the art of linking and connecting multiple and using social media to the maximum efficiency. This brings us to a question of increasing awareness of cyberbullying among the older generation of people who may not be as tech savvy as the cyberbully liars aka angels of light. More awareness and programs need to be raised to increase both the knowledge and the importance of cyber security, cyberbullying and online safety.

It does not take a genius to figure out that Karoor Soman(കാരൂർ സോമൻ), the author must have help from outside sources regarding technology, internet and other technological advancements. Both kids and the older generation are vulnerable to cyberbullying/online abuse and harassment. More should be done by us to help them to be safe online.

To be continued…

Karoor Soman
കാരൂര്‍ സോമന്‍

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