QNAP at Intel OpenVINO™ Edge Computing seminar

Direct Mango Currency
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QNAP at OpenVINO™邊緣運算技術論壇

Ever since QNAP’s collaboration with Intel®, we have be pushing to integrate Intel®’s OpenVINO™ toolkit into our products. We were invited to attend OpenVINO™邊緣運算技術論壇, a seminar where we were given the opportunity to share and to display the features and applications of OpenVINO™.

OpenVINO™ (Open Visual Inference & Neural Network Optimization) is a toolkit that helps developers develop computer vision and deep learning related applications, mainly for cameras and IoT devices. OpenVINO™ is optimized for Intel®’s own CPUs and accelerator hardware such as FPGA and VPU chips.
Conveniently, IEI has just the right products for this:

At the event, there were a total of four speakers:

  • Omar Lan from Sertek described the features of OpenVINO™ and its functionalities. 

  • Ally Chou from eRaySecure shared their experiences with OpenVINO™ in a factory setting, including their thought and developmental processes.

  • Jack Hsu from OmniXRI explained integrating OpenVINO™ into self-driving cars, with emphasis on the computing power that’s required, and its a lot!!
    (Sorry, we didn’t take pictures of him, but at least he left us with his slides)

  • Last but definitely not least, Rowan Tseng from the one and only QNAP presented the state-of-the-art image organization application, QuMagie (it works like magic!) 

Aside from these four wonderful speeches, QNAP has also setup a booth just outside the seminar room, showcasing OWCT (OpenVINO™ Workflow Consolidation Tool) and all of its current features, including object-detection of a video.

Of course, there was a networking opporunity or just to ask questions.
Look at all the attention that QuMagie got!

and OWCT!

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Published: 2019/07/22 - Updated: 2020/05/28
Total: 272 words

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