Top 4 Ways to Get More Clients for Your Law Practice

Elite-Lawyer Management
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Law Practice

Getting more clients is not the most important part of a lawyer’s job. It is, however, high on the priority list, especially in the early days of your practice. Here are a few methods you can use to start getting more clients today.

1 - Online presence
Your practice should have a website, a blog, and social media profiles. They don’t have to be very active; they just need to exist and look professional. That alone will drive traffic, help you acquire more clients, and build up your credibility. After all, clients expect to find results when they search for the name of your practice online.

2 - Referrals
Tell clients, especially the ones who are happy with your service, that they can refer people to you. Oddly enough, some clients do need permission to do so. If you don’t tell them you are looking for more work, they might assume you are too busy, or that sending people your way will bother you.

3 - Networking
Attend networking events and conferences that are relevant to the type of client you are looking for. Make going to social situations and networking there one of your habits as a business leader, and you’ll be rewarded with a year-round influx of new clients.

4 - Media

Your potential clients watch TV, and they read news stories. One of the ways you can get the name of your practice in their mind is by making media appearances and providing expert quotes for different articles. Not sure how to do either? Try working alongside PR experts. Check out to learn more about PR for lawyers.

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Published: 2020/05/19 - Updated: 2020/05/19
Total: 269 words

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