Using Twitter efficiently for business
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Twitter is one of the best social media platforms for businesses, but it can take a lot of time if you're not careful. I mentioned earlier some ways to save time on personal social media, but that's not going to work as well for the types of professional things you might want to do on Twitter. If you have to tweet for a business or brand (maybe you have your own home-based business), then there are ways you can save time on that too.
Your tweets will have to be professional; obviously you can't just type in the sorts of things you'd put on a personal Twitter account (e.g. "trying to cover up another pimple this morning" is not going to make you look professional!) But there is some good news: Twitter with its 280 character limit is one of the most convenient social media platforms for business. You're not expected to write War and Peace! You're there just to put up quick updates about your brand and to have a public-facing voice for your business.
Here are 4 great ways to save time:
Twitter is one of the most business-friendly and least time-consuming forms of social media due to its limited number of characters. It's also one of the easiest to get people to follow back, so you'll have a much easier time making your business or brand look popular.