Yangmingshan Gateway

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Riding for fun. Sometimes at a decent cadence.
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1 mins read

Image: Google Maps

I needed to visit someone at the cemetery, so I pointed myself up Xingyi Road.

It's a mostly gentle climb through the upper parts of Tianmu and then into Beitou and the lowest corner of Yangmingshan park.

The road has quite a few cars and is a bus route, but it's wide and well maintained. If you're comfortable riding in traffic it's not a problem.

The principal part of the ride starts when you join Xingyi from Tianmu North Road or Shipai Road.

The climb is about 2.9km long and goes up 200 meters. The only steeper bit is around the switchback near the bottom.

Once you get to the top of Xingyi, there are a couple of spots to check out.

Xingyi Falls - a small but attractive place

Image: cafe ya blog

Longfenggu Park - The former sulfur quarry at  or the more scenic Sulfur Valley Recreation Area around the corner on Quanyuan Road.

Image: Spinal Cord Injury Foundation blog
Image: Taiwan Good Attractions blog

Of course, this can be just a gateway to any of the many rides on Yangmingshan. 



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Published: 2018/08/30 - Updated: 2020/05/28
Total: 186 words

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