Kegel Exercise benefits and side effects for men

John Cena
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Kegel exercises are touted as a powerful way to boost sexual health and cure erectile dysfunction. These are simple exercises to strengthen the pelvic muscles. The exercise helps the man to draw blood to the penis to overcome less blood flow in the penis.

Kegel exercises are considered the best non-medical treatment of erectile dysfunction in males. It helps a man to get the erection and sustain the erection during the sexual act.  It is possible for a younger male to overcome the initial degree of erectile dysfunction with the help of the kegel exercises. The males with a higher degree of erection issue can use kegel in support with medicines like Viagra 100mg to get and sustain the penile erection.

Kegel exercises

Kegel exercises are recommended to control the urine flow after prostate surgery. Through kegel exercise, you control the pelvic muscles and thus control the urine flow. Pelvic muscles support the bladder to control the urine flow. Some experts believe that these same exercises will also improve sexual health by drawing blood in the penis nerves.

The actual way to do kegel exercise

Kegel exercises are set of contraction and relaxing of pelvic muscles.  The first and foremost important step is to identify the pelvic muscles. The easiest way is to stop your urine midstream to identify the pelvic muscle. The muscles to use to stop urine or prevent the passage of gas are your pelvic muscles.  

Now, the next step is the contraction and relaxation of these muscles. It is equally important not to squeeze the muscles of stomach, buttock or thighs. The possible side effects of the kegel come when you are not using the right kind of muscles.

The best thing about kegel exercises is that you do not have to use any equipment or support system to complete the exercises. And there is no ideal time for the exercises. Just squeeze or contract the muscle, hold it for few seconds and then relax the muscles. The blood will increase in the penis and muscles will get strength to maintain an erection during the sexual act.

Side- effects of the kegel exercise

If you get the right muscles involved in the kegel exercise, then there is no-side effect of kegel exercises. The wrong muscles may lead to abdomen pain or back pain. This is the only side effect of the kegel exercise. Another point you must keep in mind is that overdo of kegel exercise will tired your pelvic muscles. It may create problem in necessary normal functions of pelvic muscles.

You can do the exercise to see how much benefit you can derive from them. It is possible that in initial stage of erectile dysfunction gets some relief from the kegel. But if you have a higher degree of the erection issue, then use Levitra 40mg to get the necessary erection.

Use kegel exercises as the supplementary boost to sexual health

Depending on your erection degree issue, the kegel exercises may or may not benefit you. The younger males with little erection issue due to psychological reasons need services of the psychologist. The psychological services help you to re-examine your mental issue and change reaction towards them. Also in case of emotional issues, the kegel exercise may not help much.

Continue to do the kegel exercise for some weeks to see the positive result. The result will be in the form of erection with arousal without need for the ED medicine. If you still feel the need for medicine for erection go for Cenforce 100mg. But continue to perform the kegel for improvement in the penile erection. Remember, erectile dysfunction is a multidimensional problem, you need health diet, exercises and ED Medicines to get permanent cure.

Healthy males can use kegel to reduce dependency on medicines

Healthy males with erection issues can perform kegel exercises to reduce need for higher ED medicine doses like Sildenafil 200mg. The higher doses have some side effects. Some males are not comfortable with increase in side effects. So, the kegel exercises will reduce the need for higher doses.

The seniors and elders will medical issues may not be comfortable doing kegel exercises. They get the best results with Cialis 5mg. The lower dose of Tadalafil ensure smooth blood flow and spontaneous sex whenever they desire.

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Published: 2020/05/18 - Updated: 2020/05/19
Total: 717 words

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About the Author

John is prevalent for his exemplary works at The Synergy Companies in bringing out energy efficiency solutions. His persistent work has given a fantastic answer in the face of Generic Erectile Dysfunction pills that work directly on treating impotence among men. He strived so hard to get the best solutions, and these pills are certainly giving desired results as recommended. These pills amazingly work on raising the level of blood to the male organ, which treats erectile dysfunction. Generic ED drugs contains the active ingredients, which are quite effective in bringing positive results in stipulated time zone.

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