Online abuse and Harassment of Author Karoor Soman(കാരൂർ സോമൻ)- Part 3

Idealistic Copper Mouse
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From our previous episodes, we have seen how Karoor Soman(കാരൂർ സോമൻ) has been victimized by online abusers/harassers who claim to know everything that has happened. With their tunnel vision, they can see the light. I call them the angels of light, the moral cyberbullies. There is so much light coming out of them, that other non-angelic people like us cannot see.

Why do these cyberbully liars do their trolling and abuse towards author, Karoor Soman(കാരൂർ സോമൻ)? Why do trolls get pleasure in harassing others online? Similar scenes from other writers can also be compared. Are these questions even relevant? Is answer simple- trolls find enjoyment in harming people, in this case author, Karoor Soman(കാരൂർ സോമൻ)? But is that a big deal? That is not a very deep insight. Could it be they are narcissistic? Or they have inward pathology of manipulation and deceiving? Is it lack of empathy? We mentioned sadism above, the enjoyment of inflicting pain, suffering, and humiliation on other fellow beings, in this case author Karoor Soman(കാരൂർ സോമൻ). Can we look and measure how much pleasure they get from their online high spirited behaviour? Is the vicious degradation of another human being giving them satisfaction that they don’t get from their personal lives? We have all seen documentaries of serial killers, rapists, sexual offenders- the raw brutal sadism is a common theme- could it be the softer version of this that the cyberbullies are displaying? I am not sure of the answer; all I can guess is that their personal issues are so serious, that they themselves don’t realise it.

To be continued…

Karoor Soman



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Article info

Published: 2019/04/18 - Updated: 2020/01/24
Total: 272 words

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